Episode 3 - Graceful Grizzly Podcast

Ep #3 – Peanut Butter Parking, Nokia Brick Phone, Dragon Ball Me

Dec 3, 2019 | Episodes


On this episode of the Graceful Grizzly Podcast, the dudes discuss their favorite stories from the week, including a university that’s accepting peanut butter donations to pay off parking tickets, the search for the perfect ‘Forgiveness’ emoji. Ty and Mauricio also talk about their favorite fictional heroes and books that inspire them!

Nightly News

  • University Accepts Peanut Butter And Jelly As Payment For Parking Tickets
  • Campaign launched to find an emoji for forgiveness
  • The Samsung Galaxy Fold Will Finally Release On Sept 27th

Quick Questions

  • Who was your favorite teacher in school and why?
  • Name a fictional hero that you look up to
  • Recall a time that you felt extremely blessed and why
  • Righteous Reviews: What is/was your favorite book to read?

Deeper Dive

How do you deal with grizzly emotions like anger, depression, anxiety, etc.?

  • https://www.huffpost.com/entry/alaska-university-peanut-butter-jelly_n_5dc2f725e4b0f5dcf8fefa70
  • https://www.positive.news/society/campaign-launched-to-find-an-emoji-for-forgiveness/
  • https://nerd-news.com/the-samsung-galaxy-fold-will-finally-release-on-sept-27th/

Intro Music Credit

Intro Music, “Little Ashes” by Atlas Arrows, Remixed by Pat Linehan - Free Download