Ep #37 – The Root Beer Lady, Snake Bites & The Truth About Instagram!
- Shoutout to our Patrons! You guys are amazing!
- Shoutout to @spyder_0 for having lunch with Mauricio in Miami!
Nightly News
- Drunk Man Dies After Biting Venomous Baby Snake in Apparent Revenge Attack
- Female Octopuses Throw Things at Male Harassers
- Minnesota’s ‘Root Beer Lady’ Lived Alone in a Million-Acre Wilderness
- To a Salmon’s Eye, Spirit Bears Have Natural Camouflage
Quick Questions
- What is your favorite farm animal and why? @mommysaurus_rex1
- If you could create a new merit badge for the boy scouts what could it be? @spyder_0
- Why do we say think with your head not your heart when thoughts come from your head? @sydthesloth2478
- The chance that asteroid bennu hitting earth becomes 75% what do you do? @irish_runner422
- If you could wash and blow dry any fluffy animal which fluffy animal would you choose? @gabbythemusical
Deeper Dive
Interview with Allie Mason (@alliemason.is) Social Media Coach and Instagram Guru!