Ep #42 – Pig Heart Transplant, Gator Toss & a Meaty Conversation
- Shoutout to our Patrons! You guys are amazing!
- Big projects coming this year!
Nightly News
- First pig-to-human heart transplant: what can scientists learn?
- Police: Man steals gator from Florida golf course, tosses it around to ‘teach it a lesson’
- The Debate About Pablo Escobar’s Hippos
Quick Questions
- @thesleepyturtlecoffeecompany asks: Did you know, there is a vegan argument about bees and honey? Bees have rights too!
- @heart4hisname asks: Habits you did in 2021 you would like to take into 2022
- @josegarcia223 asks: Would you rather know when you die or how you would die?
- @Kramerbrooks asks: If you could eliminate one traffic law, which one?
- @Mommysaurusrex asks: Super bowl thoughts?
Deeper Dive
Conversation with Jess Pryles, meat expert, author, television host, and professional Hardcore Carnivore. https://jesspryles.com/